Thursday, August 13, 2015

photographer wanna be

{sunflower fields off walnut grove in shelby county tennessee}
There's a gorgeous patch of sunflowers not to far from where we live. I've seen several local photographers hold mini sessions out there. The photos are beautiful. It's rare to have such easy access to something so beautiful. It's literally right off the road. I first went with my daughter last week. She wasn't really feeling the [stand in bee infested sunflower field] that I requested. I did get a few though. Such a good sport.

I wanted to write this post, mainly to document some of my favorite pictures I've taken with my camera. 

Here are the specs on Norman the Nikon:
{Nikon D3200}
Lenses: 18-55mm & 55-200mm

For the last few years, I've been shooting in auto mode. I had no idea what ANYTHING else was or how to use it. I would google tips and tricks, but never found anything that really helped. Until I feel upon this fabulous blog! 

Also, follow on facebook...

It was there that I found these amazing cheat cards for using my camera. You can print them or view digitally on your iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android or PC. I download them into ibooks on my phone so I can pull them up whenever I need them. 

{here is an example of one of the cards}

And here are a few of the photos I have been able to take since using these amazing tips...(including the sunflower picture above)

I hope to really study up on the tips and put them to use. I would like to use our camera for all big events. The 3,498 iPhone pictures just aren't cutting it for frames. Poor babies, no photo albums to send them off with. I can, however, send them off with their own personalized external hard drive. That's the same, right?!

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